Lenten Prayer: Week 2, Day 3

“those who pray best are those who schedule prayer into their day the way they schedule everything else that is important. I believe in Paul’s admonition to “pray without ceasing”, and I seek in my uneven way to fulfill his counsel. But I have learned – as perhaps you have, too – that I’m more likely to pray on the run and in the midst of other pursuits when I have set aside an earlier time to devote myself entirely to prayer. Friendship takes time, and in no freindship is time more crucial than in the divine friendship, where the means of communication is prayer.” Dr. Ellsworth Kalas – “Longing to Pray”

Prayer prompt: Life is often hectic and somewhat unexpected. This makes prayer difficult at times if we do not set and then guard our time to pray. Take out your phone/calendar and set an appointment to meet with Jesus in prayer for the next three days. Then pray that God will protect that time from the unexpected that would cause you to miss an opportunity to meet with Jesus.

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