On June 11th following the worship service we will have a To-Do list we hope to complete in preparation of the arrival of our new pastor. Come to worship dressed to serve and the church will provide lunch.
VBS Information
We will have VBS this summer in connection with First Presbyterian Navasota once again. The theme is Twists and Turns: The Backyard Kids Club meeting June 26-29 from 5:30-7:30 PM at the Presbyterian church. Join us for this fun time of ministering to the kids of our community! Contact the office for registration at 936.825.3342.
Farewell and Welcome Lunches
We will hold a Sunday brunch on June 25th following the worship service to honor the ministry of the Woodley family and on July 9th to welcome the new pastor, Rev. Matt Cecil and his family to our congregation! Please plan on joining us and bringing any favorite brunch dish.
Holy Week Services
The season of Lent is quickly coming to an end as we worship our way through Holy Week. We have opportunities to join together not only with our congregation but with other churches to worship. If you are able, we are collecting donations of eggs and candy for our annual Easter Egg hunt following the service on Easter morning.
Palm Sunday (April 2)
11:00 AM, worship in the sanctuary
6:00 PM, Community Passion Service presented by Grimes County Ministerial Fellowship (Faith Outreach Christian Center, 11596 Hwy 6 South)
Good Friday (April 7)
7:00 PM, worship in the sanctuary
Easter Sunday (April 9)
11:00 AM, worship in the sanctuary with Holy Communion followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids. Please bring your Easter baskets for the hunt!
Tuesday Bible Study Canceled
Due to COVID affecting multiple members of the Bible Study group there will be no meeting on April 4th. Please pray for the full recovery of everyone who is ill.
Outreach with The Salvation Army
Our third outreach ministry with the Salvation Army for 2023 is Thursday, March 30th, 10:00-2:00. This gives us an opportunity to serve our community by connecting those in need with resources that we have available. To provide adequate hospitality we have needs for volunteers to be onsite serving in four areas. We will have a sign-in table, application helpers, lunch tables, and a clothes closet (upstairs). Sign-in table duties include welcoming guests and taking down names in order of arrival. Helping with the completion of applications requires someone to assist the certified Salvation Army representative by sitting with applicants to make sure all the information is filled out correctly. Two food tables will be set up for anyone who would like to make a lunch to take on the road or eat while they wait to be connected with Salvation Army services. Our clothes closet upstairs will be available for anyone who has a need for the clothes we have received as donations. Please register to serve HERE.
Upcoming dates for service:
April 20
May 25
June 29
Ash Wednesday Service
Our annual Ash Wednesday service will be held on February 22nd, 7:00 PM in the sanctuary. This service will begin our season of Lent with a somber time of worship and reflection.
Ministry with The Salvation Army
Our second chance to offer financial assistance through the Salvation Army for 2023 will be Thursday, February 23rd from 10:00 to 2:00. We were able to receive applications from 33 families in need last year. If you would like to serve during this mission opportunity please contact the church office!
Anderson FUMC Church Garage Sale
Saturday, March 4th, from 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM, FUMC Anderson will be hosting a garage sale benefitting the playground fund. All proceeds will go to the completion of a new playground for the church.
Candlelight Service Christmas Eve
Our traditional candlelight Christmas Eve service will be held at 7:00 PM! We will wrap up our Escape to Bethlehem Advent series with ‘Escape Chaos & Find Peace’. Join us for communion and candlelight.